L’ing. Ermanno Bazzocchi fu un grande progettista di aeroplani, basta ricordare gli MB-326 e gli MB-339, per associare il personaggio al mondo aeronautico di qualche anno fa. Ora i suoi aeroplani volano ancora; anche lui è volato via nel 2005 lasciandoci in eredita una miriadi di ricordi legati ai suoi progetti ed alla sua umanità. Non molti sanno che nei primi anni del suo avvento nel mondo aeronautico ha progettato e costruito anche due alianti.
Per far conoscere ai volovelisti e non solo questa sua peculiarità, gli amici del GAE, operanti presso il CSVVA, hanno realizzato una monografia che pone in luce l’aspetto volovelistico di E. Bazzocchi.
Per visualizzare questo documento, cliccare sull’immagine che segue.
For the English language document see the text below.
E. Bazzocchi's gliders
Dr. Ermanno Bazzocchi was a great aircraft designer; it is sufficient to mention the MB-326 and MB-339 to associate this brilliant engineer with the aeronautical world of a recent past. His aircraft are still flying; he passed away in 2005, but his legacy of fond memories, projects and humanity lives on. Not many people however know that soon after entering the world of aviation, he designed and built two gliders.
To allow both flyers and non-flyers to learn about that peculiar period of his life, the GAE friends (working at the CSVVA) have created a monograph that highlights Ermanno Bazzocchi’s gliding activity.
To view this document in English language, click on the image below.
For the English language document see the text below.
E. Bazzocchi's gliders
Dr. Ermanno Bazzocchi was a great aircraft designer; it is sufficient to mention the MB-326 and MB-339 to associate this brilliant engineer with the aeronautical world of a recent past. His aircraft are still flying; he passed away in 2005, but his legacy of fond memories, projects and humanity lives on. Not many people however know that soon after entering the world of aviation, he designed and built two gliders.
To allow both flyers and non-flyers to learn about that peculiar period of his life, the GAE friends (working at the CSVVA) have created a monograph that highlights Ermanno Bazzocchi’s gliding activity.
To view this document in English language, click on the image below.